Economics - Class 2 - 30.06.2021


We started with a revision of last class topic.

Types of economy based on government policies:

·        Capitalism

·        Socialism

·        Mixed Economy


The concept was introduced by Karl Marx, a German philosopher, through his book “Das Kapital or Capital: A Critique of Political Economy.


·        Social justice is the objective.

·        More government influences.

·        Government involved in Production Distribution and consumption of goods and services.

·        Examples of socialist Economies: USSR


Mixed economy:

This concept of economy was introduced by John Maynard Keynes in his book General theory of employment interest & money in 1936 after the Great depression of 1929.

A mixed economic system is a system that combines aspects of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims.


·        Public goods / social goods production, distribution by government.

·        Private goods production, distribution by private.

·        Example of mixed economy: India


Sectors of economy:

Based on the job nature:

1.     Primary sector - Direct use of natural resources

·        Agriculture

·        Cattle rearing

·        Fishing

·        Collection of fruits, nuts, honey, rubber, resin and medicinal herbs, and lumbering


2.     Secondary sector - The raw materials obtained from the primary actives are converted into finished products through machinery on a large scale.

·        Argo based industries – cotton textiles, sugar mills, food processing

·        Forest based industries - paper mills, furniture making, building materials

·        Marine based industries – sea food processing

3.     Tertiary sector - It includes all economic activities where different services are provided.

·                    Transport – roadways, railways, waterways, airways

·                    Communication – post, telephone, information technology etc

·                    Banking - money transactions, banking services


E.g., Question:

A)    Cattle rearing              1) secondary occupation

B)    Food processing         2) services

C)    Iron & steel industry    3) primary occupation

D)    Telephone                   4) Argo based industry


A)    4 3 1 2

B)    3 4 1 2

C)    4 2 3 1

D)    3 2 4 1

Answer B)


Types of Economies: (based on GDP)

1.     Agrarian economy:

·        More than 50% of GDP contribution from primary sector.

·        India during independence.

·        GDP more than 14%.

·        Workforce more than 47%.


2.     Industrial economy:

·        More than 50% of GDP contribution from secondary sector

·        Economic subjugation by British

·        India never became industrial economy


3.     Service Economy:

·        More than 50% of GDP contribution from tertiary sector

·        1991 LPG reforms: Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization

·        GDP 54.1%

Sector wise evolution:

Agri – Industry – Service

Equal growth leads to saturation level.

Since India was never an industrial economy due to subjugation of British, we went straight from agrarian to service-based Economy. to promote our industry sector government has introduced new schemes like Make in India, Atmanirbhar Bharat etc.,

Content Credits: Leo Brindha B

Economy Module 2 Class 3- 19/02/2022