MODULE 3 - GEO MORPHOLOGY - CLASS 1 - 29.01.2022


·     Geomorphology is the study of formation of Universe and clustered structure in it.

·     The most accepted among the available theories is BIG BANG theory.

·     Our universe consists of 96% of dark matter and 4% of celestial bodies.




·     It begins with the assumption of considering the presence of PREMORDIAL particle which has infinite volume , density and temperature. It’s size is less than the size of electron.

·     This tiny particle exploded before 13.7 billon years ago and  started to expand.

·     The expansion was faster only for just 3 mins after explosion and then slowed once after the first atom formed.

·     Within 3 lakh years temperature of whole interstellar space drops

·     There period after this, ie. till 1 billon years has not recorded any events or cosmic activity. Hence this period is called as dark age.

·     Cosmic Background Explorer didn’t detect any gravitational wave of this period.

·     After on billon years stars began to form.

·     Earth started to evolve from 4.6 billion years ago.


·     Voyager-1 sent by NASA is the first human made one exit the solar system which is fed by radioactive isotopes.

·     Star which is currently near to the sun is ALPHA CENTAURI alternatively occupied by PROXIMA CENTAURI.

·     Brightest star in our night sky is SIRIUS.

·     Speed of the light is constant in any medium that’s why we use light year to measure the distance across the space.

·     Galaxies don’t expand but the distance between the galaxies increase.

·     This has been proven by RED SHIFT THEORY.


·     FORMATION: Hydrogen gas was unevenly distributed after the explosion. Due to gravitational pull these were formed in H2 clouds (NEBULA) .

·     This increase in density led to the formation of the galaxies.

·     System of millions or billions of stars held together by gravitational attraction between gas and dust.


·     Spiral (matured, few gas, spiral presence, EX:Milky way galaxy)

·     Elliptical (old, few gas, more celestial bodies, EX: Messier 89)

·     Irregular (large megallenic clouds, young, high gas and dust content, EX: NGC 2337)


·     The growing nebula eventually develops into a localized lump of gas which grows into a denser gaseous body called as star.



Economy Module 2 Class 3- 19/02/2022